Wednesday, November 3, 2010

awhhhh, here it goes.

Well, I figured since people frequently approach me about my occasionally witty statuses and comments and social commentaries, why not go big. I was trying to remember the last time I really diligently blogged, and that would be from 2004-2006 on my xanga page. I am so mortified about the deeply ridiculous things I said and wrote on that page I will not dare give anyone that URL, but here's a small snippet of my really complicated 15-year-old life.

And that would be why i'm just going to shut that bad boy down for good for the mutual benefit of society. I grew up a lot in five years and I don't think anybody really wants to see what a scene-ster hippie emo kid I was at 15. Really, it was unfortunate. Either way, I think with all of the stress and major life decisions being a college junior holds like whether or not to wear rain boots, thoughts need a stage.

I'm trying to schedule my next semester [three to go!], deal with the long-term emotional damage of senior seminar and biomechanics exams, come to a conclusion about my senior research, pay bills, muster up the confidence to cut off a lot of hair, take leadership in the triathlon club, qualify for the 2011 NY Marathon, hold on to friendships, hold down a steady job, and most of all trying to live life on the side. That would be the very short-hand version of what you will be seeing more of [or not] after reading this. My life is not exciting in any capacity, but maybe a little insight and a few visuals can get things going. 

In the spirit of full disclosure, let's go ahead and get the worst case scenario out of the way. 
I present myself in my 2005-2006 blogging days.
I played 8 years of volleyball before they decided I was to short to do so.
I make cool faces, given the opportunity.

I'm a big fan of the summer camp scene.

Right in the middle of prime scenester stage. My spoon was too big.

That is all.

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